Customs Clearance of Goods not Transported by Åland Post
To assist you with customs clearance, we need the following information:
- Arrival number: Provided by Customs or the transport compnay who performed the transport
- Exporter
- Importer (EORI number)
- Detailed description og goods: Preferably the CN code
- Documentation, for exampel, an invoice, proforma invoice, or receipt
- Number of parcels and weight
Our customes clearance fees förtullningsavgifter
Contact us
Freight department
Telephone: +358 18 636 727
Missing any of the requested information?
If you don’t have all the required information, unfortunately, we won’t be able to help you with the customs clearance.
In that case, you’ll need to contact Mariehamn Customs for assistance. Call +358 295 52333 or email for information on how to proceed with the customs clearance of your goods.